Description of Challenge
A lot of what we learn at school seems not to matter so much nor very practical in the today’s world. The current education system, focusing on the „A“ is leaving millions of students behind possibly destroying their potential together with their confidence. Education should be about building not destroying. Education is about unleashing one’s confidence. Education is learning from failure. Education is growing from experience. Education is discovering your passions then pursuing them.Solution
Freinet pedagogy, while contributing actively for socialization and solidarity thanks to its cooperative organization allows the child to get in contact with the reality of the world in the 21e century using different tools such as the free text, the correspondence, the printing, the school magazine, the scientific reports, the audiovisual tools as well as the critical use of the new communicative and production technologies . It is a method which assures the liberation of the whole creative energy and the respect of the cultural patrimony of both pupils and teachers.