Description of Challenge
How we may build structures that truly model the structural order underlying Nature.Building in structural harmony with Nature
We have known for a long time the structural order of the triangle, square and circle, and so we have designed and built structures based on these three archetypal forms. We now know the structural order of the fourth archetypal form, the spiral form, and so can now begin to design and build in structural harmony with Nature.
To begin we need only learn how to fabricate a single architectural element. It’s called the Spiral Architecture Element 45. Multiples of this unique building element can be assembled to create many structural compositions such as the Eco-Shelter in the photo, which is composed of twelve spiral architecture elements.
When the simple means and techniques of fabricating a spiral architecture element have been experienced a world of spiral architecture designs is opened to our imagination and creativity. The beauty of it all is that we can be certain that we are building structures that are in structural harmony with Nature; possessing all the properties of Nature’s way of building.
This is an open-source endeavor, so as we share what we learn we will all be contributing to this unending journey of discovery.