Description of Challenge
A good idea is often not taken seriously and so people don’t treat their
inner/beautiful/crazy ideas as they should. Instead they tend to call them “unrealistic”.
But every project is born out of this vague state of being and only if you take it
seriously can it can grow into a big tree. It is even said that only 1 of 1000 ideas is taken
seriously, spoken out loud and then brought into life.
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Albert Einstein
In order to manifest what you want to bring into life, there is an important first
step. It is this : to take your ideas seriously and investigate them. New things often
appear as “crazy, unrealistic, vague” in their early days… and yes, there will be enough
time to get them back on the ground later on. Dream hard to begin with. Why not? It’s
only a dream at this stage.
But as a first step an idea it should be allowed to be unclear, open, big, small, beautiful,
ugly. Whatever it is. Only by letting it be what it is, taking it seriously and diving into its
qualities we will find out what it is about; what wants to be brought to life. And only from
this point can you create a good concept.
To elicit ideas and bring them to life, creative methods are helpful as we can dive in
and play with them.
Submitted by Pioneers of Change
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