Description of Challenge
Finding alternatives to chemical cosmetics products, many of which are linked to diseases such as cancer and birth defects.Maximizing the benefits of environmental elements, in this case olive trees.

The olive oil industry supplies many families of the Mediterranean countries. Apart from the income generating extra virgin and virgin olive oil sold by local farmers to local and international markets, there are more products that can also be marketed as organic, green and chemicals free!
Today, the products we use for cosmetics are full with synthetic chemicals and material that is not suitable for human use, in addition to many still using animal testing. The main ingredients are virgin olive oil, water and an alkaline sodium compound. Historically, these soaps were made at household level by women of the region and it gradually developed into local industries producing high quality soaps ready for marketing and distribution. Traditional soap factories still follow ancient methods of heating and melting the ingredients, setting, drying, and cutting into identical cube shapes and wrapping. Many of the factories and due to political and economical reasons have stopped working today and many have been turned into cultural heritage museums.
Olive soap production is not merely a product today but has cultural and historical elements that shape and strengthen the bond between the land and its inhabitants. In addition, it provides a healthy and chemical-free alternative to commercial personal care products.