Description of Challenge
What is Permafacture: Self-sustaining manufacturing systems that last for thousands of years in harmony with nature and humankind. If we could permafacture steel tools, antibiotics and perhaps half a dozen other basic living tools, we'd be a lot closer to being able to talk about a genuinely sustainable society."As international boundaries begin to crumble, local and bioregional economies take over. People learn from torrents, not mass media. People want to give more and more things away. Open source is already real for information. Information is the new oil field of the 21st century." - Marcin Jakubowski, founder of Open Source Ecology, source of quote:
As permaculture is to agriculture, “permanent agriculture”, so Permafacture is to manufacturing, “Permanent manufacture”: ways of producing goods which meet the criteria of permaculture – activities which could be done in the same space for 10,000 years.
- open source technology for sustainable living;
- digital fabrication;
- breakthrough economic systems;
- lifetime design;
- design-for-disassembly;
- absolute scaleability;
- absolute replicability;
- mainstreamability.
Permafacture is based on open source hardware, freely sharing the know-how through the Internet on how to build industrial machines for sustainable communities which in this way can not only practice a more harmonic, permanent agriculture, but can enable themselves to a harmonic way of production. Industrial effeciency, but on a small scale and in an absolutely nature-friendly new way.