Description of Challenge
Many people plan for a long time what they want to do and tend to get stuck in
planning or see so much work needing done that they don’t really feel that they are up to. And
when they start actually doing, they realize that in reality it is different to what they imagined. Often
they did not get feedback early enough or realize that their daily todos are much more then they
thought. In short: they start doing with a limited picture of reality.
“just do it” Nike
Prototyping is a process where you do what you want to do early and on a small and easy
scale. It does not have to be perfect; but it should lead you into doing and trying out your idea. Try
to find a small version of your big idea and start doing it. This helps you to:
a: get to know your own role early, so you can adjust and clarify
b: see what the project is in a “live surrounding” and get feedback
c: get feedback from others fast and early so you can adopt it in your on going process
d: It helps you to get to know to your own personal fears, needs and longings and how
they are embedded in the project.
Take this feedback in, redesign with this knowledge and then: protype again.
In Theory U, prototyping is a way to create a microcosm that allows you to explore the future by
doing. Prototypes work on the principle of “failing early to learn quickly.”
● Scharmer, Otto (2009): Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges.
● Handbook Pioneers of Change
Theory U toolbox:
Submitted by Pioneers of Change
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