Description of Challenge
Schools often lack the tools for dealing with the following challenges and others: Hunger both in schools and their communities. Many children in the target communities come to school without having had breakfast and yet they are asked to sweep and maintain the dusty, bare or ornamental school groundsUndernourishment of children who are having the staple food but not much else resulting in protein and micronutrient deficiency Poor educational delivery in under resourced schools Dusty and hChildren have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves. Ernest Dimnet

School communities (learners, teachers and parents) use the Integrated Land Use Design (ILUD) tool to improve land use and environmental consciousness and practice at their schools.
The core principles of ILUD are:
Promoting deep and thoughtful care for the environment
Emphasis on identification and use of local and indigenous resources and knowledge
Inclusive and active participation of the school community
Genuine and wide participation of young people at all levels of our activities
Making learning fun, practical and relevant
Systematic / regular learning from experience and planning ahead strategically
Ensuring implementation of activities based on creative and well thought out designs and plans
Ensuring documentation and transparent information sharing
Encouraging sharing of knowledge, skills and practices among school communities