Description of Challenge
In Africa many women still use three-stone fires both in-and out-doors for their cooking. Smoky kitchens are causing respiratory and eye problems for women and children. Firewood consumption is high and women spend much time collecting wood. The black soot makes everything (pots, rags, walls) greasy and messy.I think there will be more smiles when the smoke clears. Shaun Alexander
Taking the time to learn and construct a simple, low-cost and sustainable stove with local materials; in the process, women empowering themselves to take charge of improving their situation. The construction of one stove leads to smoke-free kitchens and better health for women and children; reduced risk of injury from open fires, protection of forests by reducing firewood consumption by 60-70%; women have more time available for community engagement through efficient use of energy and collection of wood; opportunities for creating small businesses and women reinvest earnings in their families.