Description of Challenge
The traditional techniques used in the creation of rug carpets could easily be expanded to the use of other fabrics using crotchet knots.Rug carpets designed and created using traditional methods.
The gradual spread of the art of the knotted carpet, over the centuries, around the globe has proved to be a hindrance in solving the mystery of its origin. However, many different carpet fragments have unearthed during excavations around the world.
Strong evidence collected from the Middle East region shows that carpet weaving was extensively carried out there during the 2nd-3rd BC. Therefore, it is termed as the cradle of carpet weaving.
People migrating to areas from Turkestan to the west, the Caucasus, Persia, Anatolia, to the east to China, and then later to India, extended this art form to the natives of these places. Moreover, this complete range of locations is known as the Oriental Carpet Belt.
Marco Polo, the Venetian merchant and traveler, while travelling through Turkey said, “They weave the choicest and the most beautiful carpet in the world. They also weave silk fabrics of crimson and other colors, of great beauty and richness, and many other kinds of cloth.” He added greatly to the knowledge that weaving flourished in the Islamic culture, as he saw during his world expedition.