Description of Challenge
The lack of accountability within African education systems.The only way GEN-Africa is to prosper successfully is if the children of Africa are able to make informed and responsible decisions. The importance of education should be conferred to every African child, specifically quality education about our environments and ways of life.
One way is to form a cultural group within every school in our communities with 6 boys and 6 girls. Through cultural practices, festival and school events (tournaments, concerts), this group is to actively mobilise other students, the community, traditional authority, and policy makers to all be stakeholders in education by transferring the message through these activities that they are hosting. The school could give out official certificates for the positions of these 12 students, which would help them build their resumé.
Its a fact that in my community there are plenty schools and probably every child in the community can be accommodated there if they want to be in school (sometimes they choose not to be). But when it comes down to the quality of education there is a lot of work to do, Africa needs to move towards an education system where we have cultural exchanges between African students where we create platforms to share our diverse indigenous knowledge, a system that enables and equips us with knowledge about our in-depth history, mannerism, rituals, production methods and all our cultural aspects. This group of students can organise events and platforms to help achieve these aims.