Description of Challenge
To make a satisfying group decision is something that is often difficult for people. The main
challenge a group faces is not having clarity about an effective decision making process and parts
within that process. For example, sometimes some issues are not taken into account, there may
be a lack of information, who is going to decide (a part or the whole group) or what the decision
making method actually is (consensus, majority, etc.)
"Consensus is based on the belief that each person has some part of the truth and no one has
all of it, and on a respect for all persons involved in the decision that is being considered."
Katrina Shields
Experience shows that groups that have an agreed and transparent decision making process
make decisions more easily and with better quality results. 9 steps for a solid decision making
process according to the work of Bea Briggs and also experienced by us (Altekio) are:
To define the scope
To identify who takes the decision
To define the method
To define the criteria
To collect information required
To generate alternatives
To evaluate alternatives
To decide
To follow implementation and evaluate
Website of Beatrice Briggs and IIFAC
Links to other patterns
Submitted by Altekio
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