Description of Challenge
Strawrice is is burnt each year over large areas, creating a great deal of pollution and environmental degradation.Strawrice basket weaving for recycling and reduction of wastage.
Basket weaving is yet another distinct form of weaving practiced by a number of traditional communities around Egypt. The making of baskets is a craft that has emerged as a direct result of the environment in the Dakhla Oasis. The baskets, which are made out of palm trees, reflect a natural oasis environment rich with these very palm trees.
In the year 2000, Markaz began working with the local residents of the Dakhla Oasis on reviving basket weaving crafts through a local partner. Baskets created by the artisans in the Dakhla Oasis are subsequently marketed and sold by Markaz in an effort to generate income for these artisans.
Basket weaving, in particular, became the heart of Markaz’s crafts revival efforts with the residents of the Dakhla Oasis.
In 2002, Markaz also worked briefly with residents of the Bahareyya Oasis who employed their basket weaving skills to make traditional local baskets. In addition to basket weaving from the Western Desert, Markaz also revives and develops this craft from Nag3 Ghalalab in Western Aswan. The women make a wide range of traditional crafts such as bread baskets. Other areas in which craftspeople utilize the skill of basket weaving include the Red Sea areas of Wadi El-Gemal, Shalateen and Marsa Allam. This environment, which is rich in palm trees as well as fertile land for goat grazing, has had a direct impact on the production of crafts such as baskets.