Description of Challenge
A combination of geographical and climate factors makes African sun-power potential very huge. Virtually it could bring energy to any location in Africa and this without the significant expenses for the development of large scale grid level infrastructures.Solution
A small system consists of 6 components:
The (the) solar module (s) A, the charging controller B, the (the) battery (s) C, the inverter D when AC power is required, the AC loads F and DC consumers, such as 12 V energy-saving lamps.Please note that sufficient cable cross-sections in order to avoid losses.
Two cables (+/-) lead from the solar modules A to the charge controller B. The charge regulator should be at least 10% higher dimensions than the maximum current of the modules is. Another two cable lead from the charge regulator (+/-) to the solar battery and to consumers.
The battery cable and the cables to the loads should be secured with automotive fuses.
Also on the battery, the inverter is connected. Again, you should provide an appropriately sized fuse in the line, as a reverse polarity of the DC connections cause irreversible damage to the unit.
The inverter must never be connected to the charge controller, since it could lead to the destruction of the regulator.