Description of Challenge
food security, nutrition, urban farming, food productionUsing 2 simple wooden pallets, you can build your own vertical veggie patch or flowerbed.

Using 2 simple wooden pallets, you can build a vertical garden, to use space more efficiently. The vertical garden is both useful and aesthetic.
To build the vertical garden, find two wooden pallets that haven’t been treated against pests. One will serve as a construction and the other one, you will dismantle and use to build the planting spaces.
The planting spaces are simply triangles with a 45 degree angle.
They will be lined with a geotechnical fabric, which allows the water to drip through and at the same time holds the earth together.
The potting mix should be airy enough to be able to both hold the water and allow them to drain as well.
Watering can be done manually or with a dripping system.