The territorial approach is part of a local development strategy, usually designed by a group of stakeholders. The territorial approach is used worldwide in a diversity of situations and sectors, such as Rural development, Food security and nutrition, Climate change, etc. The main elements of the method can be useful for entrepreneurs to design meaningful activities and work in the long run: - Assess material and immaterial resources available on the territory; - Identify needs, which are … Read more
- Lifelong Education
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- Vision & Purpose
- Nature Connection
- Mindfulness & Self Reflection
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- Leading from the Future
- Contextualised Design
- Whole Systems Thinking
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Virtuous Circles for Sustainable Consumption, Production and Lifestyles How to create environments or contexts where the easiest option is to be sustainable
We can build peer groups with shared affinities that build connections and networks to make it easier to find ways of satisfying needs like food, shelter, nursing, finances, energy, etc. there are many examples of such peer groups and they include ood cooperatives, time banks, nursing groups, energy cooperatives, etc. In these groups it’s possible not only to satisfy a specific need (i.e. food via a community supported agriculture system) but also to satisfy other needs like creativity, … Read more
Systems Leverage Points Places to Intervene in a System.
Donella Meadows proposed a list of suggestions to consider as likely areas for systems change. Her list is not, by her own admission, a definitive one and should be viewed as a guide. By considering the possible leverage points we can more easily consider carefully where we might intervene. Caution must be exercised as complex systems are often counterintuitive in their reactions. References Donella Meadows Institute, Leverage Pointsplaces to intervene in a … Read more
Political Influencing Engaging in political reality so that what we think is right and needs to be done actually happens.
To become effective we need to understand how power operates, e.g. how decisions are actually made, how to build alliances and coalitions and how to sense the right moment to act. We need to give up the wish to be popular and understood by everyone. We need to surrender our naivety and be willing to take difficult decisions. In essence, to act ‘politically’. References: ● Exercise: Political Influencing (to be linked) ● … Read more
Negotiation Skills Win Win Win for Everyone
This is a metaskill and used in nearly every human situation where people have to share resources. Some people treat human relations as a war and so negotiation is a war. For others, where ensuring the best possible outcome for everyone is at the heart of the negotiation process, a very different approach is used. You need to listen attentively to what the other person wants. In some negotiation approaches, teachers or trainers suggest you learn as much about the other person before you … Read more
GeoRelations and Design Where places, spaces and people meet
GeoRelations and Design where we explore and work with the relationships within specific places and spaces of different scales, from countries, regions and cities, to villages, buildings and rooms. There is also online space and our inner space. Together, we then prepare and design these places and spaces so that they can receive the seeds of the new/ the next that wants to be planted and emerge there. Preparing the soil is a metaphor for preparing and clear our systems to receive … Read more
Future Scenarios Different story lines about the future can help us to create resilient solutions (adaptative plans considering different future scenarios)
Future scenarios is a multi stakeholder methodology where all stakeholders linked to a topic are offered the chance to listen to each other and discuss relations between future possibilities around the topic or question. We consider different types of key factors, or drivers of change, to discuss and build a storyline from the future to the present: Sociopolitical Psychosocial / Cultural Scientific / Technological Environmental Economical Demographic References: ● … Read more
Empowered Fundraising Raising funds through building relationships
See the need to fundraise as an opportunity to build community. In asking someone for money, we are actually offering them the opportunity to engage with a meaningful project and with us personally. Who is really giving here? The aim is to build diverse networks of support and ongoing engagement. We also see that even when we receive a ‘no’ there is an opportunity to gain new information and to build our networks. References: ● Twist,Lynne The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our … Read more
Creating a Business Plan How to create a business plan
Create a Business Plan that is as simple or as complicated as desired. The main aim of a business plan is to create a clear view of the objectives of the business and how to attain them. This will ensure that everyone who is collaborating with its implementation has a clear view of the direction. There are many examples and templates of Business Plans online. Pick the one you feel is most appropriate for your organization. Social enterprises tend to be resourceconstrained organizations, … Read more
Appreciative Inquiry Solving problems by building on success
the Appreciative Inquiry process involves people telling stories about positive experiences they have had at work or in groups and distilling the common values and processes that underpin these (Discover); daring to be bold and developing a ‘Provocative Proposition’ that embodies the highest potential of the group (Dream); then designing pathways towards its achievement (Design) and, finally, ... doing it (Deliver)! It is a high energy, generative process that builds on positive prior … Read more