Bharatanatyam is a classical dance style from the South of India. It is called the 'fifth veda', and is considered to be one of the oldest dance practices in India. Known as Sadir until the early 1900s, it is recorded as far back as the 9th century. The name Bharatanatyam is explained two different ways. The first is that it is composed of related words: BHAva (expression) RAga (melodic mode) TAla (rhythm) NATYAM (dance) The second is that the name comes from a combination of the name of the … Read more
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Bee Keeping Harvest the Honey and Help Bees Pollinate your Garden
Bees are a key part of ecosystems world wide and a great many plants rely on them for pollination and their reproduction and survival. over recent years disease and colony collapse have seen a dramatic and very alarming reduction in bee numbers. Certain pesticides are known to poison bees and other changes to our countryside such as monoculture also make life a challenge for them, weakening their immune systems. Keeping bees quite apart from being an end in itself with the pleasure of … Read more
Grief Tending Ritual ( Sobonfu Somé )
The Grief Ritual is one of the most important of the Dagara people of West Africa. Sobonfu Somé, part of the Dagara people, brought this practice into the West. In Western society, the act of grieving isn't very common. Or doing 'emotional' work in a group setting is even less so. Increasingly people feel a lack of community or family feeling living such individualistic and disconnected day to day lives. However when we grieve together, not only does it help the individual to heal, it also … Read more
Peyote Native Shamanic Ritual
Peyote, a cactus plant has continued to play a major sacramental role among the Indians of Mexico. The ceremony among the Cora, Huichol, and Tarahumara Indians has probably changed little in content over the centuries; it still consists, in great part, of dancing. Over the last hundreds of years since the coming of the Europeans, Peyote became very badly seen and judged as a practice worshipping the devil. Although now a days it is still of great fascination to anthropologists and psychologists … Read more
Ayahuasca Tea
Ayahuasca hails from the great forests of the Amazon. Ayahuasca is a medicinal tea prepared from Banisteriopsis Caapi, a jungle vine, combined with Chacruna/Rainha (Queen); Psychotria Viridis. Ayahuasca has a rich legacy of associated traditions, myths, therapies, rituals and aesthetics, spanning from the primordial roots of the indigenous tribes of South America, to diverse syncretic spiritual movements emerging across the planet. Also a deep spiritual medicine opening access to different ways … Read more
Arati / Aarti Ritual
Arati is a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a part of puja, in which light from wicks soaked in ghee (purified butter) is offered to one or more deities. Aartis also refer to the songs sung in praise of the deity, when lamps are being offered. In doing so, the plate or lamp of Arati is supposed to acquire the power of the deity. The priest circulates the plate or lamp to all those present. They cup their down-turned hands over the flame and then raise their palms to their forehead – the … Read more
Purify Contaminated Water for Drinking The Solar powered CleanPhoton Device Disinfects Water
It is well known that ultraviolet (UV) light has a disinfectant effect. Using a special ETFE film with high UV-transmission, it is possible to create very efficient and simple water disinfection systems. Sunvention has developed such a system, combining the effect of natural UV on water with solar heating of the water to over 50 degrees Celsius, effectively killing bacteria (including coliform bacteria) and viruses. The CleanPhoton is decentral, portable and modular. Single units can be … Read more
Swap Markets! A community exchange market to share our abundance
A Swap Market, or Swap Party is a community event, where people can freely exchange stuff that they no longer need, and receive stuff that others don't need. Instead of throwing things to the garbage, we give them away to others. Instead of buying something new, we can receive from others. Whereas consumerist culture pushes us to buy more and more things because we 'don't have enough', the Swap Market poses a joyful, sustainable alternative - there IS enough. There is abundance to share and … Read more
The Jellyfish Barge Floating Hydroponic Garden Designed to Grow Food
The Jellyfish Barge is a floating horticultural greenhouse that is able to purify salt, brackish or polluted water using solar energy and grow crops hydroponically in a highly efficient vertical arrangement. It is therefore claimed that the barge can support two families from an area of just 70sqm. It is built with low-cost technologies and consists of a wooden base that floats on recycled plastic drums and supports a glass greenhouse for crop cultivation. The hydroponic cultivation method … Read more
Reclaiming the Desert using Permaculture Turning 10 acres of Hostile Desert into an Abundant Oasis
Permaculture Teacher Geoff Lawton has created an organic garden in the harsh conditions of Wadi Rum, Jordan and shows how 10 acres of hostile desert can be transformed into an abundant oasis, that is now successfully producing food. In the links below Geoff reveals his design process and explains the steps needed to create a paradise on earth. “If we can do it here, we can do it anywhere.” he says. … Read more