(Video with english subtitles) En este video explicamos paso a paso el proceso de construcción de un biodigestor de bajo costo que puede generar 3 horas de gás para una familia con el estiercol de una vaca. Filmado por el Proyecto Común Tierra en el Proyecto Tierra del Sol, Mexico. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gR1V2qn1cM … Read more
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Permacultura en Escala Familia Video sobre técnicas de Permacultura en Tierramor, México
En este video el Proyecto Común Tierra documenta Tierramor, una granja familiar en México que vive aplicando principio de permacultura hace 10 anos, fundada por Holger Heronimi y Marina Ortiz. En el video Holger enseña algunas de las soluciones en captación de agua, cuidado de animales y aprovechamento de residuos utilizando tecnicas de permacultura. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LERBwMXkZI0 … Read more
Como construir um forno solar! Video que ensina técnicas para construir un modelo econômico de forno solar
(English subtitles click on the bottom of the video, legêndas português clique na barra debaixo do video) Aqui mostramos o processo de construção do forno solar do Projeto Común Tierra (www.comuntierra.org) Video que mostra passo a passo fazer um forno solar em sua casa, colhendo o sol e cozinhando alimentos saudáveis ricos e energizadas pelo sol! O vídeo explica o processo de construção do forno solar do Projeto Común Tierra, liderados por Nora El Tilo Tonchi e Permacultura Oficina em … Read more
Global Renaissance Project Spiral Unified Field Architecture
We have known for a long time the structural order of the triangle, square and circle, and so we have designed and built structures based on these three archetypal forms. We now know the structural order of the fourth archetypal form, the spiral form, and so can now begin to design and build in structural harmony with Nature. To begin we need only learn how to fabricate a single architectural element. It’s called the Spiral Architecture Element 45. Multiples of this unique building … Read more
The Natural Step Framework For Sustainable Development A science based, holistic approach to defining and understanding sustainability
The Natural Step framework is * Based on a scientific consensus of the 4 basic principle ways in which humanity is destroying the biosphere. *Uses these principles as a lens to gain a clear understanding of how a project (business, product,community) is contributing to unsustainability. * Generates a future vision of how the project would look if it was complying with these 4 principles and was 'sustainable' * Allows for cross disciplinary communication using a common language that brings the … Read more
Dance with your enemy Dancing workshops for peace
In 2013 Pierre Dulaine, world champion ballroom dancer now turned dance instructor, traveled to Jaffa, Tel-Aviv to teach a 10-week course in Latin dance with students from several segregated schools. Dulaine spent getting the Palestinian and Jewish children to dance with one another in a ballroom competition. … Read more
How to encourage people to vote Simple techniques and scientific research
The first link direct to a short and simple eHow description on how to encourage people to vote. For more in-depth understanding, the second link directs to a Yale University collection of research into voting behaviour and into methods to encourage different societal groups to vote. … Read more
Wildlife-alert per sms saving lives From conflicts to coexistence
Mobile phones are being increasingly used in one of India's southern states to reduce conflict between Asian elephants and the humans who live near their habitat. Ananda Kumar of the Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF) is leading this technological revolution to bring down the number of human casualties from these encounters by sending out mass text alerts to those in the rural areas, where mobile phones are fairly common these days. … Read more
Wildlife Friendly Roads Lowering wildlife roadkills
India's Nature Conservation Foundation has researched into the possibilities for lowing wildlife mortality due to traffic. Based on the research, a few mitigation measures were identified and suggested to local authorities for better and wildlife friendly roads in this region. This included measures to enhance roadside aesthetics and value for wildlife, better roadside vegetation maintenance practices, and steps to minimise impacts on wildlife. This included placing speed breakers at … Read more
Bicycle roads catching solar energy Solar bike path pilot
A Dutch project that integrates solar panels into a bike commuter path has opened in November 2014 on a special roadway outside Amsterdam. Power generated by the SolaRoad's panels will be funneled into the national energy grid. The project is being called the world's first public road that includes embedded solar cells. In the U.S., an Indiegogo campaign for the Idaho-based Solar Roadways project raised $2.2 million earlier in 2014 to pursue a more elaborate vision. It would integrate features … Read more