As the olive harvest requires a tedious picking process, families in Palestine collectively work on their relatives land. During the short picking season, young and older members of extended families and friends join forces to speed up the process of olive picking and packing. A healthy and abundant olive tree will require a minimum of two days of work to pick, sort and pack in big cloth bags. The yield from olive trees is extremely important to the livelihoods of families and thus olive trees … Read more
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Bioswales Vegetated swales or watershed friendly landscaping
Also known as infiltration swales, biofilters, grassed swales, or in-line biorentention, bioswales are vegetated open channels specifically designed to attenuate and treat stormwater runoff for a defined water volume. Like open ditches, they convey larger stormwater volumes from a source to a discharge point, but unlike ditches, they intentionally promote slowing, cleansing and infiltration along the way. A sloped base to facilitate this water movement distinguishes bioswales from rain … Read more
Traditional Costumes as Cultural Heritage Embroidery and cultural preservation
Embroidery expresses and preserves the cultural identity and heritage of communities around the world. It promotes awareness of the importance of handicrafts in shaping and solidifying identity. Embroidery's unique shapes, colors and textures can identify the origins of the craftsmen/women and the surrounding environment that is reflected in their work. Common patterns can embody the rich history and culture of the land and the people, providing a beautiful illustration of communities past and … Read more
Farmers Markets in the Heart of the City Providing direct consumer-producer space in the urban central
To empower local Palestinian farmers, Farmers markets are set up to provide a platform for local organic farmers to have a direct connection with urban consumers living in the city, to ensure that local produce is being sold and promoted in the cities of the West Bank. By opening weekly farmers’ market, conscious consumers, who value the quality and source of food they eat, have the perfect spot to meet local producers and buy their fresh seasonal products. This empowers the organic producers … Read more
Permaculture Demonstration Sites as Education Centres Multiple Use Co-operative Endeavours
The industrialization of food production is an issue of concern all over the world. We have become consumers of agricultural products packaged in plastic and travelling thousands of miles to get to us. Permaculture is about returning to the roots and re-establishing our connection with the land. Permaculture is a design tool mimicking and observing patterns of nature that can be utilised in the way we grow our vegetables and fruits, design our projects and teach our kids. Historically, … Read more
Social Entrepreneurship Change makers
Social entrepreneurship is about recognising social problems and achieving social change by employing entrepreneurial principles, processes and operations. It is about investigating and defining a particular social problem and then organizing, creating and managing a social venture to attain the desired change. The change may or may not include a thorough elimination of a social problem. It may be a lifetime process focusing on the improvement of the existing circumstances. While general and … Read more
Zeit Zeitoun Olive oil production
Olive oil is obtained from the Olive (the fruit of Olea europaea; family Oleaceae), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean Basin. The oil is produced by grinding whole olives and extracting the oil by mechanical or chemical means. It is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and soaps and as a fuel for traditional oil lamps. Olive oil is used throughout the world, but especially in the Mediterranean countries and, in particular, Greece where the largest consumption per … Read more
Gaia Guelta (Earth Wetland) Constructed 'Wetparks' for restoration and water treatment.
Guelta, in Algeria, is the Saharan wetland. Constructed wetlands, sometimes called storm water wetlands, are shallow depressions that receive stormwater input for water quality treatment. Wetlands are typically less than 1 foot deep (although they have greater depths at the forebay and in micro-pools), and have variable micro-topography in order to promote dense and diverse wetland coverage. Runoff from each new storm displaces runoff from previous storms, and the long residence time allows … Read more
South Moroccan Natural Remedies Utilising the traditional benefits of herbs.
To treat colds, apply olive oil all over the chest and back, drink honey with heated lemon, or insert Fliou plant inside the nostrils and the ears. One can also create an infusion of mint and Fliou. … Read more
Conflict Resolution in Women Co-operatives Resolving conflicts through the use of the 'Coaching Principle'
Argan co-operatives are preparing communication workshops for women, and coaching them to be open to seeing the other person's point of view as an effective means for the resolution of conflict. … Read more