Village Council/Council of Elders is the decision-making, executive, juridical and supervising body of the village governance. In the village council there are both elected and natural members. Elected members are determined according to universal majority votes for a five year period. Number of members vary from 8 to 10 according to the village population. Anyone who is literate can be a nominee. The village headman is also the head of village council.The headteacher of the village school and … Read more
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DIY From salt water to drinkable water Simple invention desalifying water with solar heat
Italian designer Gabriele Diamanti has invented Eliodomestico, an eco-distiller running on solar power, to provide safe drinking-water for people in developing countries. … Read more
Vision Quest Rite of passage and and ritual for initiation
A Vision quest has its origins in the Tradition of the northern american Indians and was part of the culture of most ingigenous People. The Vision Quest, as it is perfomed more and more these days in our culture, was developped by Steven Foster and Meredith Little in the 1970ies. It's not an simple imitation of an indian ritual. Foster and Little took three important elements of the indigenous practice and created a new form of Vision Quest from it: 1.The Methods fasting, being alone in the … Read more
Composting Toilet Toilet with internal composting container
A composting toilet is a simple, watersaving and logical alternative to the water closet we know. No need for a water supply, no sewers and no sewage treatment necessary. For me it's even a very practical way to become a part again in the ecological live-cycle of soil-plant-food-digestion-soil. The instructions provided in the instructables link is for a composting toilet with internal composting container. Another solution would be to construct a simpe box with a hole and a lid with a … Read more
Oat flake crusher handdriven, wall or table mounted oat flake crusher
Freshly crushed oats not only taste a lot better, they are also more healthy because there's no time for nutritients to oxydize. And it's also fun to do, especially children love it. This oat crusher can be made of only recycled materials. If you speak german, I recommend the leaflet "Einfälle statt Abfälle - Die Müsliquetsche" distributed by "Packpapier Verlag", which contains very detailed instructions. The detailed description you'll find if you follow the link contains all the … Read more
Solar Trockner Box Kompakter demontierbarer Solardörrer
Solardörrer sind eine einfache und effektive Art, mit Sonnenkraft Früchte, Gemüse und Kräuter zu trocknen. Dieser kompakte Solardörrer ist im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Modellen sehr handlich und lässt sich mit wenigen Handgriffen demontieren und braucht dann kaum noch Platz, z.B. im Winterlager. Optional kann der Dörrer mit drei 100W Glühbirnen ausgestattet und so mit Strom betrieben werden. Die Grundidee für diesen Dörrer stammt aus dem Buch "Sun Works Solar Food Dryer" von Eben … Read more
Solar Dryer Box compact foldable solar dryer
Made mostly of spare wood, this dryer costs almost nothing in materials. You need some woodworking skills to build it the way it's described here, with swallowtail joints and the like, but there's ways to simplify it. You'll find detailed step by step instructions with all the necessary measures on just follow the webiste link. … Read more
Building social confidence
Every people, like every individual has qualities and errors or boundaries. Discover the personality of the community, its qualities, and its collective consciousness. Presenting an existing model, which opens on inspiration. Work with the community to find solutions without considering the obstacles. Define objectives that motivate each community. Allow the free choice of what each community wants to do. Find at any problem a local solution, simplest, with natural resources. It is possible in … Read more
Peace Building Women dialogues on gender based violence prevention, and Reconciliation after 1994 genocide in Rwanda (Innocent)
Participants in this process develop reconciliation forum plan and identify complex problem to foster peace and reconciliation, and owned methods in this group discuss participants shares stories and testimonies about major issues they are facing and analysis to understand the root causes of conflicts, and finally they develop solutions learnt from each other committed to promote community dialog to deepen discuss ion for mutual understanding and trust building. … Read more
Rocket stoves Women support women, creating work options and saving forests (Joshua)
Taking the time to learn and construct a simple, low-cost and sustainable stove with local materials; in the process, women empowering themselves to take charge of improving their situation. The construction of one stove leads to smoke-free kitchens and better health for women and children; reduced risk of injury from open fires, protection of forests by reducing firewood consumption by 60-70%; women have more time available for community engagement through efficient use of energy and collection … Read more