Guneskoy Cooperative has applied CSA to support sustainable living in traditional villages by ecological food production based on an economy with mutual support between people living in city and a village. Each week vegetables are picked up and distributed to the supporters in the city. The villages in traditional villages could not take any risk for an alternative production, no matter how environmentally friendly it is. When organic agriculture was started in Guneskoy they silently observed … Read more
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Portable Gardens – urban food Tackling the Urban food security
Plastic bags can be used or recycled and help in the growing of food Container plants offer a simple way to maximize small spaces. Despite their convenience, planning them properly is essential to success. since it can save a lot of water will reduce the amount of water used and keep containers moist and healthy hence saving a lot of water … Read more
Bread from Sweet Potatoes Creating local food sovereignty
Challenges also includes post harvest processing or storage. This can lengthen the period for which sweet potato can be marketed but may also be relevant for subsistence oriented households to increase the period over which sweetpotato can be consumed, particularly where there is a marked dry season. Improving the sweetpotato value chain should lead to a linked set of impacts on the livelihoods of the poor including: 1) Increased income of those selling sweetpotato with particular advantages … Read more
Earthbag Houses recycling of waste materials in building houses
is an inexpensive method to create structures which are both strong and can be quickly built. It is a natural building technique that evolved from historic military bunker construction techniques and temporary flood-control dike building methods. The technique requires very basic construction materials: sturdy sacks, filled with inorganic material usually available on site. Standard earth bag fill material has internal stability. Either moist subsoil that contains enough clay to become … Read more
Compost Tea Producing liquid bioconcentrates from organic waste
Compost tea is produced by steeping plant growth compounds and beneficial microorganisms in warm, aerated water and organic wastes over a 24-hour brewing cycle to produce a biologically active liquid concentrate that is then applied to field, forest or garden to stimulate soil fertility. Worm casting liquids are often used alone or blended with compost because of their highly diverse microbial composition. Supplemental nutrients such as bat guano, kelp, humic acids, biochar and rock powder are … Read more
Keyline Management Redirecting nutrient flow by subsoiling off-contour
Keyline management restores fertility to crop, forest and pasture lands and to steeper and rougher terrains that have never before been capable of rapid improvement. The first aim of Keyline is to provide inexpensive means of conserving and tempering the rain that falls on the land by storing it in the soil, then slowing its evaporation and apply this conserved moisture to assist nutrient transfer and regenerate favorable soil microbiology over large areas. First conceived by Australian stockman … Read more
Biochar from Bamboo Kilns Sequestering CO2 while rebuilding soil
Convert the fastest growing terrestrial plant, bamboo, currently supplying livelihood to 1.2 billion humans because of its many uses and ability to grow in nearly all climates, from labile carbon to recalcitrant carbon through pyrolytic conversion in a low-cost, multiple-yield process. The application of this recalcitrant carbon to soil, or use as a component of building materials, living roofs and other ecovillage applications, establishes a significant, long-term sink for atmospheric carbon … Read more
The Practice of Journaling Gaining self-awareness through a regular writing practice
Regular automatic writing can become a key to discovering deeper layers of our own being. It can help us work through difficult feelings, become aware of our patterns and habits and open up a flow of creativity. … Read more
The Practice of Forum Building transparency and authenticity in community
In the practice of Forum, we come together in ongoing groups to share deeply and authentically what is alive in us. With skillful facilitation, an atmosphere of safety is created, which enables us to step out of our comfort zone and into deeper levels of vulnerability and creativity. We also start to see ourselves as an integral part of the whole and not an isolated fragment. As witnesses, we build the capacity to hold more of the richness and diversity of human experience without being … Read more
The Living Machine An ecological wastewater treatment facility
There are many different ways of processing sewage ecologically, including reed bed systems and compost toilets. One such method is called the Living Machine. Pioneered by US ecological designer Dr John Todd in the 1970s, the Living Machine works by mimicking a natural wetland system. It uses advanced science and engineering processes, combined with beneficial bacteria, to treat wastewater to the point where it can be safely reused. In addition, the sewage plant may start to resemble a … Read more