To become effective we need to understand how power operates, e.g. how decisions are actually made, how to build alliances and coalitions and how to sense the right moment to act. We need to give up the wish to be popular and understood by everyone. We need to surrender our naivety and be willing to take difficult decisions. In essence, to act ‘politically’. … Read more
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Open Space Convening meetings on what interests us most
Harrison Owen created a social technology that enables people to convene meetings about the topics that are most alive in them and allows for cross-fertilisation of ideas. Participants make sure they do what inspires them most, as they move between the spontaneously emerging landscape of conversations and interactions arising from the group. … Read more
Learning from Failure Daring to face what we’ve defined as failure
Take time to reflect on past failures. Feel the emotions that accompany these experiences. Make space for these. This might lead to a deeper integration. With support, create a space from which we can look back at these experiences and place them in a bigger context. Notice insights and learnings. Connect to the original intention and see if we feel drawn to revisit the scenario, in the light of this newfound wisdom. … Read more
Leadership Styles Four Archetypes that underpin inspirational leadership: Sovereign, Great Mother, Medicine Woman, Warrior
Carl Jung and others saw that inside every human being is a feminine and masculine potential (yin and yang, anima and animus) and a static and dynamic potential. When we marry these four potentials together, 4 archetypes of human behaviour emerge: Medicine Woman (Dynamic, Feminine), Great Mother (Static, Feminine), Sovereign (Static, Masculine), and the Warrior (Dynamic, Masculine). Once we are aware of these four styles, we can reflect on how well established each archetype is in our own … Read more
Integral Theory of Ken Wilber All Quadrants All Levels - A model for everything
Integral theory, as described by Ken Wilber and others in the integral movement, revolves around the concept of two axes and four quadrants. One axis is for the interior/exterior, and the other axis is for the individual/collective. Putting these two axes together creates a simple model of four quadrants: the individual interior (my subjective experience of thoughts, feelings, memories and perceptions); the individual exterior (my physical body and all external perception); the collective … Read more
Framework for Strategic Sustainable A 5 Level Model for Planning in Complex Systems.
This five level model helps us to plan for success. By understanding the system within which we are working we can more clearly define what success looks like within that system. This allows us to be strategic, to develop tactics, tools and metrics. To rephrase: it allows us to understand the tools and metrics we need to carry out the actions required to be strategic, to achieve success within the system. … Read more
Embodying Success Exploring the roots of our leadership
Taking time to reflect and reconnect. This can be done in many different ways, including journaling, regular meditation, going into nature (e.g. vision quest). It is also helpful to create embodied experiences or “rituals” that honour our roots. … Read more
Creating a Business Plan How to create a business plan
Business Plans are useful for start-up or existing businesses, profit or non-profit organizations. A Business Plan can be as simple or as complicated as desired. The main aim of a business plan is to create a clear view of the objectives of the business and how to attain them. This will ensure that everyone who is collaborating with its implementation has a clear view of the direction. There are many examples and templates of Business Plans online. Pick the one you feel is most appropriate … Read more
Conflict Transformation Theory and Practice of Working with Conflict
Welcome conflict and embrace it as an inevitable part of human experience. See the other as yourself and sense the feelings and needs that underpin the outer expression. Create a sense of safety, possibly by bringing in a facilitator, in order to hold a bigger perspective and allow win-win solutions to emerge. Bring compassions to the conflict and see it as an opportunity for learning and deepening intimacy. Would you rather be right or happy? … Read more
Community Building A process to develop authentic communication in community
Scott Peck has identified 4 phases of group development and created guidelines for skillfully navigating these that culminate in an experience of a mature, authentic community. Once we know that going through, for example, phases of pseudo-community, chaos and conflict, vulnerability and letting go of expectations, are necessary steps in the evolution of a group, we will be more willing to embrace them. The conscious practice of authenticity counters any tendency we might have to hide in habits … Read more