Community Initiatives & Projects 1. Plastic Pollution Control & Recycling Unity Eco Village actively works on plastic waste management by collecting, recycling, and reusing plastic waste from nearby urban areas like Pokhara. The community organizes: Plastic waste cleanup drives to prevent pollution. Educational programs to raise awareness about plastic pollution. … Read more
Climate crisis
Finca Vida
Hello I'm 23 and my name is John I am currently gathering other young people interested in leading a vegan life in community in Puerto Rico as well as fund raising for 100 acres for said project … Read more
Join our adventure in paradise nature – France
Are you ready to take part in an extraordinary adventure and give life to a unique project in the heart of a listed château, just 1 hour from Paris, between Dreux and Chartres? We invite you to become one of the first members of our community, which embraces values such as ecology, respect for life, benevolence, open-mindedness, spirituality and mutual aid. … Read more
Villa Productiva Agroecológica JANUS
Inspirados en la visión, tradiciones y prácticas iniciadas a comienzos del siglo XX por las familias de colonos agricultores que llegaron al Alto Valle del río Negro y al valle inferior del rio Neuquén con sueños de progreso, adaptación y cambio, en la primera década del siglo XXI retomamos aquel espíritu de aventura y comunidad. … Read more
Néo-Village Terra Nostra
Terra Nostra est une expérimentation de vie en village pour répondre aux évolutions du monde tel qu’il se dessine, en d’autres termes répondre à la question : “Comment habiter le monde qui vient ?”. Un monde avec moins de ressources, plus de risques de catastrophes naturelles et technologiques, plus de tensions sociales. Terra Nostra c’est 5 personnes qui œuvrent tous les jours pour se rapprocher du but fixé au démarrage du projet, et qui transmettent aux personnes de passage leurs méthodes … Read more
TEAL Farm is an agroecology lab and Gen Z led ecovillage located in Meredith, NY. We are dedicated to sustainability, resiliency and environmental justice. We aim to develop a community that works with nature as opposed to against it. TEAL Farm is also cottage business producing and selling soap, honey and maple syrup. Through our business ventures, we are creating opportunities for those who have never owned their home to gain financial stability and sovereignty over themselves. As a community, … Read more
Partnership for Nature Education and Conservation (Nam Chung, Hong Kong)
We are a tiny community of around 10 people located in the rural NE New Territories of Hong Kong. Founded in 2013, the community emerged as a result of a conservation movement in which close to 100 people pooled in their money and wisdom, trying to save farmland and natural landscape in the are from being bulldozed and developed. Seeing the need for land-based sustainability education for the public in Hong Kong and coming together as an intentional community to respond to the many eco-social … Read more
Aderema by Oluokos – Smile With Nature
Having an in-depth understanding of the lack of alternative livelihoods is a key issue that both, directly and indirectly, affect the ecosystems. Our response to this alongside our guests and, other conservation organizations should identify feasible alternative activities that could both, directly and indirectly, generate income for the native communities from the natural resources sustainably. T … Read more
Projet de développement des Ecovillages au Togo
Le Togo est confronté aux problèmes environnementaux caractérisés par la dégradation des ressources naturelles engendrant la baisse de la productivité agricole et la fragilisation des écosystèmes. Pour faire face à ces défis, le Togo développe des Ecovillages en s’appuyant sur sur la promotion des énergies renouvelables, la maitrise de l’eau et développement des moyens d’existence durables. … Read more
Jabal e Ali Housing and Heights is a model of standard living, inspiring through unique features of Ecovillage. In this project we shall minimize the construction area and maximize the Green area to provide a wide space for increased plantation. … Read more