La comunidad en el Cantón Arenillas busca un futuro sostenible y equitativo, arraigada en una rica historia y valores. Guiada por principios de solidaridad e inclusión, aspira a un desarrollo que armonice crecimiento económico, equidad social y preservación ambiental. … Read more
Ecoaldea Comunidad Uchanchi
La comunidad aspira a la sostenibilidad a través de la promoción de la cohesión económica, social y territorial, con el objetivo de mitigar problemas sociales adjuntos como la migración. Por otro lado, la visión a largo plazo es la de abordar los retos y problemas basándose en las nuevas oportunidades brindadas por las transiciones ecológica y digital, y en las enseñanzas extraídas de la pandemia. … Read more
JUA Université Holistique
• Offrir à la population un enseignement et une formation universelle de qualité • Implémenter une université de haut niveau multisectorielle, réalisée par des professeurs nationaux et internationaux qualifiés, pour apporter des solutions durables applicables en Afrique, basée sur la technicité, l’environnement, l’innovation par la recherche et la compétitivité dans les solutions locales. … Read more
Eco village Georgia
i need help in this project for growing food, repair the old house collect money in some ways. i can feed only me and one or two persons. the material there is enough to create somthing usefull for many people. … Read more
Projet de développement des Ecovillages au Togo
Le Togo est confronté aux problèmes environnementaux caractérisés par la dégradation des ressources naturelles engendrant la baisse de la productivité agricole et la fragilisation des écosystèmes. Pour faire face à ces défis, le Togo développe des Ecovillages en s’appuyant sur sur la promotion des énergies renouvelables, la maitrise de l’eau et développement des moyens d’existence durables. … Read more
Eden Ecovillage
We are the Eden Ecovillage. We are a group of individuals located thoughout the North Eastern United States who are linked together by a common desire to form a fully fledged, off-the-grid, self-sustainable community in the North Eastern United States. Although a location has not yet been chosen, the founders are looking primarily at the Delaware Water Gap/Delaware Valley region. Members of our mostly online community are seeking to gather enough capital to purchase land and property so that … Read more
Camp Currie
Camp Currie ist ein Gemeinschafts- Hofprojekt in Oberösterreich, welches das Ziel hat, einen Vollerwerbs Bauernhof gemeinsam zu bewirtschaften und hier neue Möglichkeiten zu erschaffen. … Read more
Enhancing Livelihood
The project will be implemented in Mathurapur fishermen village involving 50 (25 + 25) Hindu beneficiary in two years cycle following co-operative approach in order to promote sustainable harvesting in one hand and income generation in other hand with the development of Sundarbans crab harvester eco-community. Different livelihood support such as poutry, duck, goat, pig rearing. … Read more
E Ola ka Pu`uwai Aloha; Living Life Source Foundation
In Wailea, with and as the community, we aim to cultivate hope and healing through collaborative ecological regeneration, food forests, and watershed restoration; experiential learning of Hawaiian social-ecological knowledge, practices, language, ritual, history spiritual/cultural heritage; planting harvesting and preparation of traditional healing foods and herbs to share with wider communities. … Read more
Vaishnav Dham Ecovillage
We are looking forward to work on the following domains: 1. Regenerative Agriculture 2.Employment Generation 3. Women Empowerment 4. Circular Economy 5. Education Project 6. Solar Energy 7. Water Harvesting 8. Sewage Water Treatment 9. Waste Management … Read more