Our strand was about deep sharing among communities. Elders of three lively, important communities held it: Sabine Lichtenfels from Tamera, Achim Ecker from Zegg, and Craig Gibsone from Findhorn. It is also worth remarking the presence of Vera Kleinhammes, from Tamera, and Ina Meyer-Stoll, from Zegg, who also brought their experience to the circle. Report by Filipe Freitas and Karsten Petersen We started around the fire, sharing a strong field of energy nourished by ancestors’ presence, in … Read more
Global Campus 2015 in Tamera: On the Way to Form a Global Community
During the GEN summit, GEN International and Global Campus became partners. In this report, Leila Dregger shares about the last Global Campus gathering from July 18th to August 15th, where 30 members and representatives of the base stations of the Global Campus met in Tamera, Portugal, studying and sharing peace knowledge, exploring new skills and experiencing community. While the global crisis threatening their home regions every day remained to be in our focus, they lived in the Solar … Read more
Walking for Water in California The Way of a Pilgrim
Walking Water is a journey of exploration and co-creation from the source of the water in the magnificent Sierra Nevada mountains near Mono Lake, to the place of end use around 560km away in the Greater Los Angeles Area, which is home to some 18 million souls. As a pilgrim I discover the mystery, the magic, the meaning and the magnificence of life, in every step I take, in every sound I hear and in every sight I see. Satish Kumar, spiritual and ecological activist. It seems especially … Read more
GEN +20 Summit Developing the New Story of Community
This year's Global Ecovillage Network Summit at Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland, marked the organisation's tremendous growth and development since its emergence 20 years ago. Returning to the place where GEN was launched into the world in 1995, the founders Ross and Hildur Jackson were joined by other GEN legends, Declan Kennedy, Robert Gilman, Jan-Martin Bang and Helena Norberg-Hodge, in bearing witness to how their offspring has now developed contacts with communities on every inhabited … Read more
Ecovillage Summit in Dakar, Senegal Results, Challenges, and Consequences
Update - GES Reports The Official Reports from the GES Summit are now available - read them here: GES Report - Supporting Documents Transition 2 Resilience - Participant Reports Fundraising & Program Development GES GEN-Africa General Assembly The Senegalese Ecovillage Network: The Past, Present and Future GEN Ecovillage Transition Strategy 2015 - 2020 From December 10-14, 120 people from 40 countries met for the first International Ecovillage Summit in … Read more
From Apartheid to Ecovillages TEDx - Findhorn by Kosha Joubert
In this 17 min TEDx Findhorn talk Kosha Anja Joubert reminds us of the future we dream of and how people all across the globe are building it now, following their inner values, focussing on life as a whole and rebuilding the connections that have been broken. We can regenerate the soil, replenish depleted water tables and reconnect in community. We can do this and so much more when we come together and marry our love for the planet with our need to make a living. We can serve life. This is … Read more
From Apartheid to Ecovillages TEDx - Findhorn by Kosha Joubert
In this 17 min TEDx Findhorn talk Kosha Anja Joubert reminds us of the future we dream of and how people all across the globe are building it now, following their inner values, focussing on life as a whole and rebuilding the connections that have been broken. We can regenerate the soil, replenish depleted water tables and reconnect in community. We can do this and so much more when we come together and marry our love for the planet with our need to make a living. We can serve life. This is … Read more
Editorial GEN Newsletter June 2015 20 Years of GEN: 20 Years of Regeneration – Coming Home to our Planet
20 years ago, a group around the Danish couple Hildur and Ross Jackson founded the Global Ecovillage Network, launched at an Ecovillage Conference at Findhorn. They understood that the power of communities and ecovillages to love, work with and regenerate the life systems that they are a part of is essential to building a sane and sustainable culture. From that insight, it was a natural step to dream of a community of communities, a network of trust, mutual support and knowledge transfer between … Read more
Japan in Transition: College for Sustainable Society Building and the Ecovillage Promotion Project
Japan has been dependent on more than 30% of the country's energy from nuclear power plants. After experiencing Fukushima, many Japanese people started restructuring their lives. Transition became attractive and caught the interest of those who were searching for ways to live more sustainably. Shunro Yoshida had already founded the Non-government-organization, Transition Japan, in 2009. Hiroko Katayama is from the As-One-Community in Suzuka, which became part of Transition Japan recently and … Read more
Establishing a New GEN Office The Joys and Challenges
With just a few weeks left until the GEN Europe General Assembly in Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland, it seems appropriate to Robert Hall, Managing Director of GEN-Europe, to reflect on the current situation with the GEN 'office transition'. Perhaps, however, we can start with a historical perspective. GEN-Europe started off in 1996 in Germany at Lebensgarten, later moving to Torri Superiore in Italy. Then the office returned to ZEGG, in Germany, where our current German NGO was founded in … Read more