Anjos do Sertão Institute is an organization located in the northeast of Brazil with the goal to reach a sustainable territorial development through the work alongside local communities, regenerative agriculture and self-knowledge immersions. We aim to raise human consciousness and work the environment with regenerative techniques, such as agroforestry and beekeeping, simultaneously. … Read more
organic agriculture
Tierra Magia – Territorio Escuela –
Territorio Escuela en las montañas de Cali, Colombia. Uno de los propósitos de Tierra Magia es promover modos de vida armoniosos con la naturaleza por medio de una educación viva e interactiva, experimentando y aprendiendo desde el hacer, teniendo como foco las herramientas que nos proporciona la permacultura, la bioconstrucción, la agricultura regenerativa y el trabajo del ser en comunidad. … Read more
Suncatcher RV Park In Texas
Suncatcher RV Park is the perfect place for people interested in growing food or practicing sustainability. Our park offers a range of amenities and accommodations to ensure your stay is both comfortable and enjoyable. A Permaculture Oasis in Texas Suncatcher RV Park offers an ideal environment for those interested in homesteading, growing their own food, and experiencing a community that prioritizes health and nature. It provides the opportunity to embrace this lifestyle without the … Read more
El Paraiso Verde
EPV seeks to create an intentional community of like-minded individuals, including families and the wider community with a positive moral framework that promotes peace, freedom with responsibility to each other and to nature, and personal growth for those that choose to live the changes they seek to be realized in the world. We strive to create and model a healthy and nurturing environment, especially for our children, who require resilient and strong foundations to face the challenges of our … Read more
Budleigh Regenerative Community
Vision We aspire to be co-creating a world where earth’s ecosystems flourish, with humans thriving and belonging as part of the whole. Purpose Our focus is to inspire and facilitate cultural change through co-creating ecologically conscious, spiritful, joyful community living. Aims To establish an intentional co-housing community in SW England that: is nourishing and regenerative is ecologically conscious is sociocratic, with shared, distributed decision-making and … Read more
Equi Trullo
Recovery of a farmhouse and a trullo from the 1700s, with adjacent agricultural areas and horse boxes, barns and olive grove land, the perfect place to create an ecological village. After the recent purchase we moved with my family, wife and young children, so we plan a future life trying to practice ancient traditions and natural methods as much as possible. Since the rural activity of the farm had been in disuse for many years, it is like writing a new story, imagining what it will be like, we … Read more
Gita Nagari Eco-Farm and Sanctuary
Gita Nagari is America’s first slaughter-free dairy farm and promotes compassion to all living beings through vegetarianism and connecting with nature. They use regenerative agricultural practices, preserve the natural forest that surrounds the farm by removing invasive species and planting natives, and have formed a variety of partnerships to further the mission. They provide wellness retreats that support one’s mind, body and spirit, and help the surrounding community by partnering with … Read more
Synergee Salone – Phase 1: Portloko Farmstead
The Synergee Salone Phase 1 initiative at Portloko Farmstead aims to revolutionize the community through sustainable energy and agriculture. By installing a solar array and embracing regenerative farming practices, we’re not just addressing energy access and food security but also empowering our community to lead a sustainable, self-sufficient future. … Read more
Kailash Ecovillage
Kailash Ecovillage, located in SE Portland, Oregon, is an intentional community offering a model for sustainable urban living. Residents have their own private spaces but also enjoy shared activities and a sense of community. Principles of co-housing within a rental model maintain affordability and create opportunity for people looking to experience an intentional community. … Read more
Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse”
Vous souhaitez simplement habiter proche de la nature pour faire votre jardin et prendre soin de la terre ou accueillir des personnes pour des activités de soin ou de développement personnel ? Nous accueillons deux nouveaux habitants (ou familles) sur l’Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse” située dans la Drôme sur une ferme de 23 ha avec nos deux chevaux Merens et des activités de médiation équine. … Read more