Entrevista grabada con el Proyecto Común Tierra presentando su casa rodante con eco técnicas, la Minhoca. Para el Programa I Report Aventurero del Canal CNN en Español en 100 paises del mundo. Con Sebastián Castro Sasso en Costa Rica! … Read more
Solar Dryers in Palestine Decentralized and Organic Food Technology in the Westbank
To have peace in Israel-Palestine, the mentality of scarcity needs to be replaced with an awareness of abundance, because the conflict is based on the fear that there is not enough for everyone: not enough land, not enough water, not enough energy. In the frame of the Global Campus, in the process of founding GEN Palestine, Aida Shibli made another step in food sovereignty in organising seminars to create abundance on a farm of the Westbank. Frederick Weihe reports. If we want to support the … Read more
São Paulo, Brazil Community Gardens in the Largest Metropolis of the Southern Hemisphere
Public parks, abandoned lots, pavements and even churches: in São Paulo every piece of land has the potential of turning into a community garden. After all, where food is planted citizenship grows! Henny Freitas reports. Imagine an avenue where over 1.5 million people transit every day, and where more than 4,200 cars and 200 buses go by per hour at peak times. What you have just imagined is the main financial road of São Paulo: Avenida Paulista. Now imagine a community garden in the midst of … Read more
Kenya: Food Sovereignty A Way to Achieve Food Security
Food sovereignty is a critical alternative to food security that asserts that not all ways of realizing food security are equal, says Victor Odula – GEN Ambassador from Kenya. He reports about the Rodi Ecovillage´s initiative to improve nutrition on the shores of the Lake Victoria. Rodi Ecovillage Development Initiatives is a community organization whose goals are to reduce poverty, and improve nutrition and the health of the rural poor, while improving the profitability and sustainability of … Read more
“Land Awakening” Exploring Our Relationship with the Land.
“LAND AWAKENING” is an independent feature documentary film. While volunteering at organic farms in the Mediterranean, Mexican-Canadian filmmaker and director, Raúl Álvarez, embarked on a personal journey to learn about organic agriculture, and other technologies, to grow and gather food, creating an inspiring film about the goodness and generosity of the Land, but also about his own life transformation. In the GEN Europe conference 2013, Raúl already showed his results. Now the documentary is … Read more
Food Sovereignty of Konohana Family Japan: “Before cultivating a field, cultivate your spirit”
Japanese people believe that the land is a gift from the Ancestors. This is why they do not want to sell it. Therefore, local elders often ask the Konohana Family to manage their land. As a result, more than 95% of the land that Konohana Family uses is free, and sometimes the ecovillage gets paid to cultivate the land because the government will charge owners a higher tax if it is not used for cultivation. “The financial crisis happened, but it did not affect us at all since we produce … Read more
The (R)evolution of Agroecology Future Farms as Ecosystems
Modern mechanised agriculture is already the most fossil fuel intensive industry. This feature will increase when, in order to feed a growing world population, we have to grow more than 50% of our food; as representatives of global agribusiness currently assert. Ethel Chiodelli explains why this is wrong and biased thinking, and why agroecology and small farms are the future of modern farming. If we shift paradigm, the problem becomes the solution. Between two paradigms: farming for money or … Read more
Ecovillage in China The Current Situation of the Second Home of Lifechanyuan
Last year, GEN started a campaign to protect the largest ecovillage in China, Lifechanyuan. But the authorities were stronger still. On April 1st 2014, the last two Chanyuan celestials withdrew from Yunnan, which means that the three branches of the Second Home of Lifechanyuan located in Anning, Chuxiong, and Lincang city have ended their development. The new place of the ecovillage is in the Gobi desert, 5000 km from their original location. With immense courage they start to apply permaculture … Read more
Legislation for Regional Abundance Tamera Applies for Land Use Change
The region Alentejo, Portugal, is in an economical and ecological crisis. Alternatives are needed to create a way for people to return to the countryside, heal the landscape and create abundance in cooperation with nature. However, the legislation does not support alternatives - yet. In close cooperation with its county municipality, Tamera has started the official process for a land use change. It could be a pioneer process for many other ecological initiatives - in particular for growing … Read more
Ecovillage Zoning in North America Three North American Ecovillages Innovate “Ecovillage Zoning”
Many ecovillages overstep regulations with the hope of not being caught out. However, when ecovillages obtain official permission for ecological innovations, similar projects in their areas will benefit, for they create precedents in their countries for other ecovillages to apply to local authorities for permission. Diana Leafe Christian visited three ecovillage projects in North America in which ecovillage founders worked closely with local authorities in the site-planning process and requests … Read more