We have high-tech but we are missing low-tech. We cannot sleep without a bed, eat without a supermarket, see without a streetlight, move without a car, or be with ourselves without distractive media. We have screwed ourselves. We have lost the original technology that created civilization: fire starting, food finding, clothes making, shaping shelter and tools out of whatever comes to hand. The loss of low-tech knowledge creates a lethal gap between us and our planet, and that gap is now filled … Read more
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S.P.A.R.K. (Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge) S.P.A.R.K.s are clear and inspiring invitations to transform your thinking and upgrade your throughtware. Ideas are what you think about. Thoughtware is what you use to think with.
S.P.A.R.K.s are maps for new ways of thinking about things that you may never have considered thinking differently about before. Each S.P.A.R.K. consists of a Distinction, notes on the Distinction, and Experiments. By going through S.P.A.R.K.s and actually doing the Experiments, you change who you are and what is possible for you – and through you for your community and projects. S.P.A.R.K. Experiments are authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes from the context of Possibility Management. … Read more
Emotional Healing Process A facilitated transformational-change experience that has a start, a middle, and an end.
Emotional Healing Processes are indispensable for the Creation of Regenerative cultures in Ecovillages as they make space for Adulthood collaboration to become possible. Through making accessible the energy and information of Emotions (mostly old, suppressed feelings from the past) for the present moment, and learning to navigate Feelings, inner navigation becomes possible and can be used for Regeneration purposes. … Read more
Zahart el-Dar: The Women’s Garden Design and built of a climate adapted women-led farm as a pilot for Nuweiba.
“Zahart el-Dar – The Women’s Garden” aims to support the economic empowerment of Bedouin women, revive traditional values and the connection to the land, restore the ecosystem, and green the land for the Bedouin community. … Read more