Regeneration & Consciousness

Anjos do Sertão Institute is an organization located in the northeast of Brazil with the goal to reach a sustainable territorial development through the work alongside local communities, regenerative agriculture and self-knowledge immersions. We aim to raise human consciousness and work the environment with regenerative techniques, such as agroforestry and beekeeping, simultaneously. We are located in the state of Piaui, city of Canto do Buriti, and our two main pillars are Regeneration & Consciousness, which drives all our actions. We are viewed as a big School-Farm, where regenerative practices and tools to expand human consciousness are being tested, verified and spread for everyone that wants to come and learn with us.
Primary interests: Regenerative Agriculture, Self-knowledege, Healing, Medicinal Plants, Agroforestry, Beekeeping
Site content by Anjos do Sertão
Anjos do Sertão School-Farm
Anjos do Sertão Institute is an organization located in the northeast of Brazil with the goal to reach a sustainable territorial development through the work alongside local communities, regenerative agriculture and self-knowledge immersions. We aim to raise human consciousness and work the environment with regenerative techniques, such as agroforestry and beekeeping, simultaneously. … Read more