Site content by Bogdan Sendroiu
“Butterfly Communities” open project
In a VUCA world, we have to survive in new ways, different from those that have been successful so far. As a multicellular organism has better capacities to deal with its environment than a cell alone, the cooperative groups will be smarter and better equipped to deal with future challenges than single individuals. Those who want to move forward must learn to cooperate in mutually enhancing ways. … Read more
Solution Library
“Butterfly Communities” open project for a systemic and coherent transition toward a fair political and economic civilization
For this individual and social transformation to take place, what we need, first and foremost, is to root ourselves into the new metaphysics of the Living Universe, that is based on the last scientific understanding. We can not expect to solve our crisis from the same understanding that created it in the first place. Only from a Universe-centered consciousness, that is able to embrace the whole Planet as its new self, we can overcome our social and ecological crisis, aligning our daily life with … Read more