Oasis Terres de Baume Rousse

My family with my husband and our two daughters is living on a farm in the south-east of France. Our 3 collaborators living with us since 4 years wish to leave the farm. We are looking for two new participants or families for our participatory housing project.
The farm has 6 ha grassland and 17 ha forest. My wife develops therapy with horses ("médiation équine") and we manage the grasslands through Regenerative Farming and Agroforestry. The main project is centered on the reconnection to nature Vegetable and fruit production is planed to be managed also through permacultural and agroforestry practices based on my experience as vegetable grower for 16 years. I work outside the farm for the ADAF association (www.adaf26.org) for developing agroforestry and conservation agriculture with local farmers.
We wish that the future inhabitants appreciate the farm as their living place much connected to nature and if possible for developing their own project in link with therapy, self development practices, farming,... or any other skills which can contribute to the human, social and environmental changes for humanity.
Primary interests: Horse therapy, Meditation, Yoga, Regenerative Farming
Site content by Chrystèle Marie
Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse”
Vous souhaitez simplement habiter proche de la nature pour faire votre jardin et prendre soin de la terre ou accueillir des personnes pour des activités de soin ou de développement personnel ? Nous accueillons deux nouveaux habitants (ou familles) sur l’Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse” située dans la Drôme sur une ferme de 23 ha avec nos deux chevaux Merens et des activités de médiation équine. … Read more