I am a coworker of the Tamera Peace Research Village in southern Portugal. My main work is in the development of decentralized energy systems for sustainable human settlements, though I also facilitate guest groups, translate and edit texts, among other things.
I do this and other work to support the emergence of new cultures of peace and abundance... here in Tamera and anywhere else, where people come together to show that human beings can live sustainable, in peace with one another and with the natural world.
Site content by Frederick Weihe
Farkha is a traditional hilltop village in the Salfit district of Palestine, which has been expressing its radical and progressive leanings for decades. In addition to strong left-leaning politics, local leaders have been encouraging autonomy and sustainability for many years through rooftop rainwater harvesting, organic home gardens, and chemical-free agriculture generally. The town has a village-beautification plan, a community-operated kindergarten and civic center, and a women's cooperative … Read more