Kardokai ecovillage

We are Lithuanian ecovillage in 40 ha of land with 14 families homesteads and more than 50 people. There are more than 15 straw-bale houses in our village. Kardokai Forest School was established in 2017 and became the best ecovillage project. Sustainable construction, permaculture, and community values are the main keywords of our ecovillage.
Site content by Raimundas Vaiciunas
Kardokai ecovillage
Ecovillage of family homesteads started in 2010 and now are placed in 40 ha. Kardokai Nature School was established in 2017. There are 15 straw-bale buildings (living houses, small houses, and school buildings- most in Eastern Europe. We organize seminars on straw-bale constructions and ecovillage festivals as well. Permaculture and community life are strong keywords in our village … Read more