GEN International Trustee
GEN Network Steward

Whole systems design consultant, regenerative practitioner and permaculture teacher, A. Keala Young is a GEN Ambassador and a Regional Representative of GENNA - GEN North America. He is also a Co-Steward and Strategic Coordinator for the Regen Alliance.
Site content by Keala Young
Atlan Center
Vision: Atlan is a living and learning ecovillage dedicated to the artful co-creation of healthy living systems celebrating the connectedness and diversity of all Life. Mission: Atlan provides sanctuary for the creation of sustainable culture through the holistic integration of healing, art, and design. Our ecovillage demonstrates permaculture and regenerative principles while engaging a network of resonant communities. The Community: Beginning in 2007, Atlan emerged from spontaneous … Read more
Blog posts
Tension Revelation!
By Keala Young, Atlan Centre, USAWe have learned at Atlan that having a foundational Agreement Field of our Community Agreements is essential, yet in some ways agreement is only the beginning. We equally need Practices to support us in embodying our Agreements. Like Attunement, Tension Revelation is one of those practices.Shared Understandings:Phase 1: Awareness of Dimensions of TensionPhase 2: Sitting & Sensing with TensionPhase 3: Calling a Circle for Tension RevelationPhase … Read more