GENNA Representative
GEN Ambassador

Leland "Lee" is committed to helping people learn to change their way of living to become more sustainable. He is doing this through his work with the Ecovillage movement, his personal lifestyle in a family Ecovillage and through the restorative farm which they are using to teach people about permaculture and more sustainable use of the land. He has previously been involved with Future Forests, an environmental and community development project pairing London Ontario with Bette Ethiopia. Lee also helped develop the Ecoteam Workbook for Canada, a project of the Global Action Plan for the Earth. He has a Doctor of Education degree in Adult Education and Organization Behaviour from the University of Toronto and is a Certified Human Resource Leader. He worked for forty years with a diversity of organizations to help them become more effective. This experience is very valuable to the Global Ecovillage movement and he continues to serve on Boards at the Country, Region and Global level for Ecovillages.