GEN Network Steward, GEN Regional Representative

Margarita Zethelius is a biologist from Colombia with an MSc in Conservation and Rural Development. Her experience includes design, management and implementation of sustainable development projects and community strategies for communication and education for conservation. A skilled networker, she is part of Berkley University's Environmental Leadership Program and WWF's Education for Nature Program. Margarita sits on the board of CASA (Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America), there she is working principally on the inclusion of grassroots initiatives and the development of education strategies. She also sits on the board of GAIA Education. She works principally with Afro-Colombian, indigenous and peasants communities.
Site content by Margarita O. Zethelius
UBUNTU as a pilot of a Community Based Training Center for Peace Building and Conservation, with a holistic/ integral approach that shows with practical examples, how to create sustainable solution of the social, environmental, economical and cultural dimensions, in the Colombian Caribbean. We are part of the traditional community of Islas del Rosario and its ecotourism/conservation initiatives. … Read more