I was born in Portugal with a global heart, from an early age developing love and curiosity for different lands and their people.
I studied Fine Art in Scotland, nourishing my interest in all things beautiful, and soon after realized that this world is in need of more beautiful and healing ways of living together. A search for intentional community and for growing myself in a healthy and sustainable way took me to study and live in Findhorn (Scotland), Tamera (Portugal) and Neot Smadar (Israel) for the past 10 years.
In the last 2 years I have been based in the Middle East and using my skills, mainly in design and production, in different projects: co-producing a 3 week peace walk in Israel-Palestine, developing trainings for sustainability and autonomy in Palestine with the initiative Global Campus. I also spent some time producing excellent organic goats cheese in the Negev desert, working with youth in India, and traveling through most inspiring places.
I am moved by and follow the vision of a possible trust between all beings, of sustainable living in all areas, and of the paradise that is meant on this planet.
Primary interests: Social (Diversity & Cohesion, Trust & Communication); Culture (Wisdom & Innovation)
Site content by Mena Vieira
Tent of Nations
At Tent of Nations, we seek to bring people from all over the world together to build bridges of understanding; connecting people to each other, and to the land to which we all belong. We offer workcamps and volunteer opportunities; we run Children’s Summer Camps and a Women’s Empowerment Project, and we welcome groups and visitors of all shapes and sizes. The organic farm on which the Tent of Nations project is run is known as ‘Daher’s Vineyard’. This land, which stretches to 100 acres, is … Read more
The Marda Permaculture Farm is a working farm and a demonstration site for permaculture principles, techniques and strategies. Permaculture is an ecological design system that draws heavily from indigenous, local wisdom as well as cutting edge science to help individuals and communities maximize local resources toward sustainable production, generation, and recycling of food, water, energy, housing, and other resources. The project seeks to promote ecological, cultural and economic resilience … Read more
Sharaka, meaning 'partnership' in Arabic, is a Palestinian volunteer-run initiative that aims to support Palestinian farmers by promoting local seasonal and Palestinian produce and goods and by linking farmers and consumers directly. Our activities include community outreach and education through panel discussions and other events, School gardens and working with restaurants in Ramallah area to encourage the purchase of local seasonal produce from Palestinian farmers and to feature traditional … Read more
Hakoritna Farm
Hakoritna Farm (which loosely translates to ‘Garden Farm’) is located in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarm and is bisected by Israel’s “Separation Barrier” – the concrete walls, barbed wire, military roads and ditches that run up and down occupied Palestinian territory; often separating Palestinian communities and families from each other or, as in this case, separating farmers from their land. The Permaculture of Resistance For Fayez Taneeb, the owner of the farm since 1984, the struggle … Read more
Holy Land Trust
Through a commitment to the principles of nonviolence, Holy Land Trust aspires to strengthen and empower the peoples of the Holy Land to engage in spiritual, pragmatic and strategic paths that will end all forms of oppression. We create the space for the healing of the historic wounds in order to transform communities and build a future that makes the Holy Land a global model for justice and peace … Read more