Greencross Eco Village & Olympuss Centre for Deep Ecology and Ecosophy.
Human civilization is heading fast to a dead end due to unsustainability. Self-centered developmental pattern adopted by man ignoring the fact that he is an integral part of a large system called Nature and the Universe has now proven to be detrimental.
Olympuss Center for deep Ecology and Ecosophy is a vision enabling man to find his own integral position in the Ecosystem helping him to regain the balance that he has distorted and find true peace and happiness thereby leading to integrated sustainable development.Olympuss teach Ecosophy as a connecting link between ancient traditional wisdom and the latest in material science, the Quantum Science. This automatically leads us to Ecospirituality where one can find own answers to the various problems faced by human beings and to the various unsustainable chaos happening consequent to his intervention in Nature, Society and in his own body systems.
With this vision, Olympuss has planned a Campus for Teaching and Research on Deep Ecology, Ecosophy and its practical applications through cross-disciplinary subjects. Applied Ecosophy will show us the way to comprehensive sustainable ways to live coherently. This Center will be developing sustainable technologies, products and modalities and will be imparting the knowhow and train people through a vocational institute to take up Green Entrepreneurship, Green jobs, Permaculture ventures etc. There will be also a center for developing human rhythmic balances (balancing rhythm and logic) to enable him to deal better with people in day today life and for fine performing arts, which are being forgotten.
Olympuss plan to create a model Ecovillage self reliant and self -sustainable to host these institutions. The proposed self sustainable village will have green Buildings for the Olympus Ashram, Teaching Institutions, Research Facilities, Library, Training Centers, Community hall/auditorium for performing arts, Cottages for inmates and visitors, Wellbeing Centers, Organic food source from Permaculture in the Campus and a Wholesome Food Kitchen. Olympuss also envisages model Green Employment/Green Business Villages for integrated and sustainable development.
Olympus is starting a pilot project in Palghat Dist. Kerala. After showcasing the world what his vision intends to do he is planning to acquire a pure virgin land inside forest with the backdrop of mountains and river somewhere in the Western Ghats as it will the best venue to host such a tribute to Mother Earth considering it’s rich biodiversity. The total project will be vested on Mother Earth under a Charity Trust, Green Cross Foundation.
Site content by Greencross Ecovillage India
Greencross Eco Village
Greencross Ecovillage India Greencross Eco Village & Olympuss Centre for Deep Ecology and Ecosophy. Human civilization is heading fast to a dead end due to unsustainability. Self-centered developmental pattern adopted by man ignoring the fact that he is an integral part of a large system called Nature and the Universe has now proven to be detrimental. Olympuss Center for deep Ecology and Ecosophy is a vision enabling man to find his own integral position in the Ecosystem helping him to regain … Read more