Regenerativ School In Mexico
Ecomundi brinda una educación integral de calidad a nuestros hijos y a los niñ@s de la región, accesibles a familias de todos los estratos socioeconómicos y contribuye a la conciencia ecológica y el desarrollo comunitario.
Our project offers an integral and valuable education accessible to local families of all socioeconomic statuses that stands upon the values of ecological awareness and community development.
Ecomundi se basa en tres conceptos pedagógicos que son la pedagogía Montessori, pedagogía a base de proyectos y pedagogía constructivista (secundaria), además de tintes de la pedagogía Waldorf (casa de niños, taller I y taller II) y bases de la permaculturaen. Igualmente vamos de la mano con el programa de estudios de la SEP.
Ecomundi is based on three pedagogical concepts: the Montessori pedagogy, a method that is based on project based learning for highschool students, the Waldorf method Influences which studies permaculture to implement the understanding of flourishing natural ecosystems. (casa de niños, taller I y taller II) Finally, we work hand in hand with the program of educations of the Secretary of Public Education SEP.
Desde el 2005 “Ecomundi” es cobijado por Comunidad Educativa Malinalco una A.C. sin fines de lucro, que se fundó con el propósito de fortalecer al proyecto.
Since 2005 “Ecomundi” has been under the umbrella of the Educative Community of Malinalco, a non profit Civil Asociation. which was founded to strengthen the mission of our project.
Desde el 2007 el proyecto Ecomundi se encuentra en el centro de la Ecoaldea Nierika en la comunidad de Chalmita lugar rodeado de bosques y hermosas montañas.
Since 2007, “Ecomundi” has been located in the center of Ecoaldea Nierika in the community of Chalmita, a place surrounded by forests and beautiful mountains.
Este lugar nos permite a su vez disfrutar de su rio Tlaxipehualco (de origen náhualt que significa “lugar donde se curten las reatas de maguey”) esta comunidad pertenece al municipio de Ocuilan de Arteaga (de origen náhuatl, OCULI que significa gusano y la variante TLA, abundancia, por lo que OCUILAN significa “donde abundan los gusanos” refiriéndose a las orugas), en el estado de México.
This location also allows us to enjoy the river Tlaxipehualco, a Náhuatl word that means “place where the bundles of maguey are tanned”. This community belongs to the municipality of Ocuilan de Arteaga, also of náhuatl origin, “OCULI”, which means “gusano y la variante”, and “TLA” which means “abundance”, creating the word “OCUILAN” which means “where the worms are abundant”, referring to the caterpillars in the state of Mexico.
Primary interests: Art, books, plants, flowers, animals.
Site content by ECOMUNDI
Ecomundi is based on three pedagogical concepts: the Montessori pedagogy, a method that is based on project based learning for highschool students, the Waldorf method Influences which studies permaculture to implement the understanding of flourishing natural ecosystems. (casa de niños, taller I y taller II) . … Read more