I am a teacher, researcher, writer and mother. I have a PhD in Sustainable Development and a MSc in Social Psychology. I research about ecovillages, sustainability transitions and grassroots innovations. You can find my academic publications at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rebeca_Roysen. My life is dedicated to promoting transitions – in my personal life, in my community, in my research, in my political engagements and in my teachings. I’m very much inspired by the personal and collective transformation power of community and I love to share my knowledge through lectures, workshops, and writings. I am a member of Ecoaldeia Aratikum, an ecovillage located in Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado (IBC), in Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil (www.ibccerrado.org). I am also a member of the GEN Research Group and of the research circle at CASA Brasil.
Primary interests: Sustainability Transitions; Grassroots Innovations; Deep Ecology Practices; Higher Education
Site content by Rebeca Roysen
Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado –
Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado – IBC was created in 2012 and has three main projects: the ecovillage Ecoaldeia Aratikum, the educational center Ecocentro Pedagógico do IBC, and the creation of a preservation area (RPPN – Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural). Additionally, as an institute, we also engage in political issues of our bio-region, through participation in local councils and part … Read more
Solution Library
Educating for transitions: ecovillages as transdisciplinary sustainability “classrooms”
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pedagogical tools that can enhance transdisciplinarity in higher education and stimulate sustainability transitions, based on the case study of a partnership between the University of Brasilia and an ecovillage in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative study was carried out, based on professors’ experience, students’ reports and registration data. Emergent themes were discussed based on the concepts of sustainability transitions, … Read more
Blog posts
Brazilian students learn about Ecovillages at Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado GEN Ambassador Rebeca Roysen shares about recent visit to site of ECCO Conference 2017
On October 11, 2018, thirteen undergraduate students from University of Brasilia visited Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado (IBC) for a day of activities. The students are attending “Interdisciplinary Studies of Cerrado” and came from varied courses: biology, economy, psychology, environmental sciences, and chemistry, among others. They were all very excited with the experience. It was the first time they visited an ecovillage. In the morning, they learned a little about the concept of … Read more