Rocky Corner will be the first cohousing neighborhood in Connecticut. We have purchased a 33-acre former dairy farm in Bethany, a small town about 5 miles north of New Haven. We received town zoning approval in June 2014. Thirteen of our 30 homes will be affordable as defined by Connecticut laws.
We are actively seeking new residents. We welcome people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. We welcome families with children and plan to include affordable and flexible housing units.
We are designing our passive solar homes and common house with Centerbrook Architects. We are planning the use of the land with Appleseed Permaculture.
We will have enough space, for those who are interested, to grow a substantial amount of our food. The land use plan already includes annual vegetables, orchards, berries, pasture, ponds.
We have adopted dynamic governance (also called sociocracy) as our organizational and decision-making models. We have trained with John Buck, Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and Diana Leafe Christian.
We care deeply about the health of the planet and are committed to green building and living. Sustainability and cooperative, supportive community are our fundamental values.
At this time we have about 5 of our market rate homes still available. We also have a waiting list for our affordable homes. Please email us or visit our website www.rockycorner.org to get more information about Rocky Corner Cohousing.
Site content by Rocky Corner Cohousing
Rocky Corner Cohousing
Rocky Corner will be the first cohousing community in Connecticut. We are building 30 clustered, passive solar homes on 33 acres of pristine farmland. We will share a 4500 SF common house, community gardens, orchards and an organic annual vegetable farm using permaculture principles. Sociocracy is our form of decision-making and governance. … Read more