Primary interests: Social; Culture; Integral Design; Ecology; Economy
Site content by shaked
Kingdom of Yeshar-el
All life must be allowed the opportunity to freely express themselves without fear of persecution or oppression as long as they are expressing themselves with goodwill towards others. Freewill All conscious sentient beings have the right to freely and willingly choose their destiny as long as they are not infringing on another beings free will to do the same. https://yashar-el.me/natural-laws/ … Read more
Love House TLV
Open-minded, loving, celebrating life, tantric eco-community in Givatiym We host Heart, mind, health and sexuality opening events We host guests from around the world and have a happy and international atmosphere in the house We grow vegetables on the roof and try to recycle and use ecological as much as possible contact: https://www.facebook.com/shaked.rabinovitz WhatsApp: +972-5442340 … Read more