Former businessman owner of the geodesic dome company, dome-cupol.com. co-founder of the first biosphere settlement in Altai mountains AZ – ecovillage.
Primary interests: Social; Culture; Ecology
Site content by Shaman
The First BIOspheral settlement Biopolis – is the stable community of free, self-sufficient, capable of self-realization of individuals who reside in the territory harmoniously integrated into the biosphere settlements protect their wealth, values, goals, and freedom, without encroaching on the freedom of other peoples and the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. … Read more
AZ Eco-village
In just a few years of creation "AZ" come a long way. We understand and marked guidelines for the further promotion and development. Formed such basic concepts: IMAGE OF SETTLEMENTS: The community of free beings living in harmony with themselves and the world around them, in abundance, wealth and love. MISSION OF SETTLEMENTS: through the creation of sustainable, self-sufficient, independent of the Community system to show the world an alternative way of life. Under the alternative method we … Read more