GEN Consultant, GEN Council of Elders

Founder of the Ecovillage Training Center in Tennessee, past president of Global Ecovillage Network and author of 16 books on history, ecology and the future, including Climate in Crisis (1990), The Biochar Solution (2010) and The Paris Agreement (2015). He has been a resident of The Farm community in Summertown, Tennessee since 1972. He holds degrees in political science, law and permaculture, and certifications in emergency medicine, horsemastership and forest management. He was co-recipient of the first Right Livelihood Award (1980) for the work of his organization, Plenty, in preserving the cultures of indigenous peoples. He designs drawdown ecovillages, ecodistricts and economies for ECO2 and advises the Commonwealth Regenerative Development to Reverse Climate Change, the US Biochar Initiative, and the Sail Transport Network, moving fair trade goods along coastal routes. He is a visiting professor for Gaia University, Nanjing Agricultural University, and Gaia Education Associates.