Filip Kirilov
I grew up in the center of the capital and during my childhood I was dreaming to live in a forest and eat wild fruits and mushrooms. In 2003, after studying in some schools and universities in Bulgaria and France, I started living in an eco-community in the mountains of La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. In 2005 I came back to Bulgaria in the aim of applying my experience and I co-founded Trinoga association. In 2007 I started common work with M.D. Dimitar Pashkulev who leaded me to the Integral approach and the healthy mind. This changed my life…
Primary interests: Integral approach; Regenerative agriculture; Permaculture desing
Site content by Filip Kirilov
Vegetarium – Integral Eco Community Guest Home
We are the community of Zhelen village - one of the first post-communist eco communities in Bulgaria. Beginning in 2005 with the foundation of NGO "Trinoga association", when Filip and Martin came back to their grandmother's house in Zhelen, after inspiring 2 years experience in "Trois Salazes" community on Reunion Island. The main goal is to live healthy in nature, practice regenerative agriculture, non-dogmatic spirituality and exchange help with similar projects in Bulgaria and around … Read more