Since 2006 we have been living on our farm in the mountains of southern Ecuador close to Vilcabamba. Most of my life I have been a Biodynamic dairy farmer and interested in community and helping people reconnect to the land. I was born in 1949 in Indonesia of Dutch parents and raised in Malaysia, England and new Zealand. When I was twenty four I met and married an American women and have lived in the States until moving to Ecuador eleven years ago. We now have a beautiful property in a sacred valley and give workshops and work with indigenous groups like the Kogi to help reestablish the sacredness of this land. We invite people to visit our community to see if it is the right place for you either for a short time or a longer commitment. You can read about us at
Primary interests: We are growing our community in the mountains of Ecuador. We are looking for six new partners
Site content by Walter Moora
Finca Sagrada Community
As keepers of sacred lands, we are in service to Earth and we are living in reciprocity with her bounty. We are building a community that honors the sacredness of the land and supports the diversity of its members, allowing us to experience and practice a flow of generosity, and to find our true roles as co-creators of life on Earth. … Read more