Yesh Meain is a permaculture farm located in Moshav Nahalal, in the Jezreel Valley, in the North of Israel.
The farm was started in 2007 as the product of a collective journey of inspired and motivated students of the Green Apprenticeship (GA), the Permaculture Design Course of the Center for Creative Ecology on Kibbutz Lotan.
Yesh Meain aims to create a center for environmental and social awareness. We aspire to encourage key changes in the consuming behavior, the use of resources and the perception of abundance within the Israeli society. Ultimately, the objective is to foster changes towards sustainability in people's lifestyles.
Our main activities include taking care of an organic garden, of twelve chickens and five goats, ecological building with a variety of materials, in particular strawbales and mud and designing and building other permaculture projects like grey water and rainwater collection systems and solar ovens.
We host a variety of workshops and activities connected to sustainability and eco-building and we offer guided tours and presentations of the farm.
We also host a monthly exchange market that works on the basis of a simple idea : someone's garbage is a useful thing to someone else. Through the market we can not only re-use and recycle but we can actually convey the message that we can do much with what we have instead of focusing on what we don't have.
Primary interests: Social; Culture; Integral Design; Ecology; Economy
Site content by Yesh Meain Farm
Yesh Meain Farm
Yesh Meain is a permaculture farm located in Moshav Nahalal, in the Jezreel Valley, in the North of Israel. The farm was started in 2007 as the product of a collective journey of inspired and motivated students of the Green Apprenticeship (GA), the Permaculture Design Course of the Center for Creative Ecology on Kibbutz Lotan. Yesh Meain aims to create a center for environmental and social awareness. We aspire to encourage key changes in the consuming behavior, the use of resources and the … Read more