The community is a land-sharing community consisting of 24 adults and 13 children (and growing) ranging in ages from 0-70 years. We care for a beautiful 95 acre property near the town of Mullumbimby with a mix of waterholes, rainforest, food growing and livestock. We are in the process of building our houses (approval for 12) with an existing community centre.
Our community vision is to become a regenerative, abundant, joyful and inspiring community using
best practices for shared community living and land-care while creating a minimal footprint on this
land in which we all take respect and gratitude in being stewards for.
We are an intentional community with community facilities, spaces and gardens and have a common beliefs of the connection to country, sacredness of the earth and water, organic food production, arts and creativity and being active to make positive change in the world and engaged in our larger community of the Byron Shire. One community project is to regenerate the upper Brunswick River (Durrumbul), which flows through the property with native subtropical rainforest. We honour the Midginbil people as the traditional custodians of the area and pay our respects to their ancestors and culture as well as the mountain that watches us (Balaya Buyul – place under the mountain). We have a loose sociocratic governance structure with pods and some shared community finances. We try and achieve consensus on community decisions.
We have regular sharings, meetings and gatherings and like to celebrate events and the passing of the seasons.
As a new community we see ourselves as the new wave and generation of communitarians following the footsteps of the older Aquarian festival generation which established many of the original landsharing communities of the area. We hope to learn from their wisdom and mistakes going forward.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 32
- Not currently open to new members, but might be in the future
- Rarely open to visitors
There is a waiting list so not open to any new members
Hi Shane, Dee here. I’m at Evans Head but in the early stage development of setting up a community north of Newcastle. Wondering if you are available for a chat/consult sometime. Cheers 🙏
Sorry darren – sure my consulting email is [email protected]
I’m interested in going on the waiting list if possible.
I’m wondering if your waiting list has opened up,it’s been a while since your page has been updated. I’m planning to move to Aussie from NZ next year,looking for somewhere alternative to live. I’m a community support worker in high needs disability, fluent in NZSL as well as English.