Please visit our website where you will find our history, our principles (charta) and where we are intending to go.
Flyer en .pdf
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 11
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
1. Contact us via mail or phone
2. Pay us a visit
3. Spend 6 weeks with us
4. Reflect on the experience
5. Spend a year, then discuss the situation
6. Join by buing a share in our coop
Realising our dreams together
We have realised our dream and live together on our own beautiful southern French estate: 4 venerable stone houses with space for up to 35 people – 85 hectares of fields and woods, large vegetable gardens – in the middle of vast nature with a view of the blue Pyrenean chains, without through traffic – half an hour from Carcassonne. – Two handfuls of people don’t want this place only for themselves!
Do have a dream of a meaningful, sustainable life in these times, suitable for our grandchildren?
Do you want to take the step towards its realisation?
Do you have a concrete project, the competences and the finances for it?
A vision needs determined people – a great potential needs energy to be realised! We are keepers of this place, open our doors wide and are looking forward to seeing who shows up. Please contact us! [email protected]