Dzin Space is an educational retreat center for seminars, forums, festivals and eco projects, it’s a cozy place in the middle of stunningly rich and untamed Carpathian nature. Here on the hilltop where rivers originate in the freshness of ever young forest, the air is filled with delicious aromas of flowers and herbs, and the views are breathtaking. A joint effort of people from all over the world creates this unique space.
In its heart there’s a huge dome-area for workshops, seminars, dancing… surrounded by a chill-out zone, a place for meditation, a tea room, spacious camping with yurts and all the necessary infrastructure for comfort being in Mother Nature(hot showers, art toilets, wifi, forest style sauna and much more).
All our activities are aimed at harmonious open minded development and natural healing of Mind, Body and Heart together with our Planet. “Be the change you want to see in the World” is one of our slogans. We develop eco projects and produce eco food, we plant trees, we dance, we celebrate life and share our knowledge with different local and international Communities. You can take part in different eco-friendly events and activities or organize them with us! We believe that our space is a perfect place for transformations.
300 meters below us there’s a river and a small waterfall. No neighbors are visible from our space; it is, as it were, in its own microworld, immersed in an endless pine forest. Surrounding our space there are meadows and mountains where you can enjoy your hikes or join our morning practices. In the east field there’s dawn, in the west field, incredible shapes and colors of sunset sky which is truly unique here. Words are useless, of course, it’s a thing to be seen!
IMPORTANT! We stand for cleanness and clarity at all levels. Our space is completely free from alcohol, smoking and any other kind of addictions.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 15
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
More information you may find here:
Our main goal is to create a place where people have a chance to live sustainable life in harmony with nature and themselves, co-creating all kinds of art, caring out scientific projects, and simply expressing what they truly are. Right now our focus is on developing infrastructure for activities like festivals, workshops, and retreats with the flavor of exploration and ceaseless experimentation. Last year we held several successful events, the major one being Ecstatic Dance Festival for 100+ people. We like yoga, massage, meditation, tea ceremonies, contact improvisation, pottery and wood carving, and anything you are willing to contribute to our non-stop celebration of human spirit!
We envision using alternative energy, building permanent winter houses with rather daring architectural decisions, and venturing into eco farming. But... who knows what it really will be? For now we can only welcome you to take part in the creative process, to make from scratch a place where you would love to come back.
If you have no experience whatsoever, but feel delighted and inspired about all this, just write us! We'll teach everything there is to know. And if you do have an experience and see clearly what your help may consist of, we would be very privileged to meet you. This land is waiting for you. It's so beautiful.
Type of help:
General Maintenance
Cooking / shopping
Help with Eco project
Help in the house
Helping with Tourists
Art project
And, of course, general help like cleaning, fixing, and organizing stuff is always very much appreciated and needed. Welcoming people, guiding participants, teaching or facilitating classes during events if you feel like you want to share something - here’s no boundaries of your contribution, we’re totally open to suggestions.
Blessings, heading to your country from USA in a few weeks to network and engage with some projects concerning the current situation in your country I will be traveling by myself and am looking for a good place to acclimate and meet the right kind of people