We are EcoSur.
Our goals
Becoming a self-sustainable multicultural community, a place where human unity can be realized and thrive in harmony with the environment above all ideologies, nationalities and creeds.
Starting a bottom-up initiative by building for common people with limited material resources.
Sharing our experiences, expertise and contributing insights to local activities and the world in order to establish new paradigms for human life on the planet.
Our way
We will explore modern and ancient technologies to achieve sustainable and affordable housing, organic agriculture, and renewable energies, with the overarching long-term goal of reducing overall carbon footprint as much as possible.
We will ensure a horizontal social organization without hierarchies which will guarantee a decent quality of life to everyone, where every individual enjoys the same rights, collectively determining the forms of leadership that will decide the future of the community.
A land of 130 acres is dedicated to the project and can be enlarged if necessary.
Environmental consciousness
We focus on rising environmental consciousness, specifically on a local scale.
We want to galvanise the local region through different activities, turning a poor region with low resources but strong environmental consciousness into a dynamic stronghold for environmental defence and practices.
Our key values
- Imagination is more important than knowledge
- To committed people driven by achieving the common good nothing is impossible
- However hard are the issues at stake, let’s make the future even more inspiring
Local answers to global challenges
Membership & Visitors
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
We are always open to new people here at EcoSur.
If you have any questions, are interested to visit us, volunteer at our project or want to join our community for longer, contact us!
Vuestro trabajo, vuestra ilusion, vuestro coraje, vuestra fe en el proyecto, vuestra unidad, en verdad es gratificante y reconfortante, he pasado largos periodos de tiempo en algunas comunidades, tal vez si el universo se conjuga el año que viene pueda colaboraros con los conocimientos recopilados a lo largo de mas de 10 años de viajes permaculturales. Y a todos vosotros hermanos os digo que no desfallezcais, nuestro futuro en el mundo pasa por la vida comunitaria y la evolucion espiritual.
Muchas gracias Ben!